Spring! Wood energy in Five Element Theory

Spring is the season for renewed growth. It is time to stretch our tendons, clean our liver, and release lingering anger. In traditional Chinese medicine, the five elements each correspond to a season (with late summer being the "5th season"), specific organs in the human body, colors, and related qigong exercises for optimizing the body during each time of year. The five animal frolics, for instance, are qigong exercises each named after a specific animal and each designed to produce healing benefits for specific organ systems.

Our internal arts archive contains many articles and videos relating to the five elements, seasonal theory, and related qigongs. This collection is a sampling of that content to get you started if you are interested in learning the basics of how to optimize healing in Springtime.

For more in depth reading on five element theory, I've included links to a some recommended books below. Any time you purchase a book using a link on this website, Amazon drops a few pennies in the tip jar :) Thanks for visiting Tai Chi Spot!

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