Disciples of Yang Cheng Fu
Yang Cheng Fu had many students in his relatively short few decades teaching the Yang Family's Tai Chi Chuan. He taught without the firm secrecy of his predecessors, with a particular interest in spreading knowledge of Tai Chi throughout China after the Revolution of 1911. He is said to have made the form a bit easier to perform, with less extreme kicks and more of a focus on gentle movements, encouraging health and healing through song (release) and the continuous flow of qi from movement to movement. In this collection we feature 9 of Yang Cheng Fu's disciples.
Yang Cheng Fu's sons (Yang Shouzhong, Yang Zhen Ji, Yang Zhenduo, and Yang Zhenguo) are all here out of respect, although his last two sons were only about 10 and 8 years old when he passed in 1936. They all likely learned much from his disciples and the youngest three are all alive as of this posting.
There is a very enlightening book, compiled and translated by Douglas Wile, called "Tai Chi Touchstones: Yang Family Secret Transmissions". If you're interested in learning more about Yang Family Tai Chi, it is absolutely well worth reading (more than once!) You can find it on Amazon... you might want to check the used seller options which can be a bit more affordable.

Yang Cheng Fu's sons (Yang Shouzhong, Yang Zhen Ji, Yang Zhenduo, and Yang Zhenguo) are all here out of respect, although his last two sons were only about 10 and 8 years old when he passed in 1936. They all likely learned much from his disciples and the youngest three are all alive as of this posting.
There is a very enlightening book, compiled and translated by Douglas Wile, called "Tai Chi Touchstones: Yang Family Secret Transmissions". If you're interested in learning more about Yang Family Tai Chi, it is absolutely well worth reading (more than once!) You can find it on Amazon... you might want to check the used seller options which can be a bit more affordable.
Dong Ying Chieh
Another of Yang Cheng Fu’s Disciples
董氏鼻祖董英杰 Dong Yingjie is the founder of Dong style Taijiquan. Dong Yingjie preforming Dong style Taijiquan c. 1947 with narration by his grandson, Dong Zengchen
- Taiji Taijiquan
- taichichuan
- DongYingChieh
- YangChengFu
- Disciples
- 太極拳,楊橙甫,推手
Niu Chunming 牛春明 楊式太極拳
Nui Chunming (1881-1961)performs his Yang Style Tai Chi. He started learning Tai Chi from Yang JianHao in 1902 and became a disciple of Yang Chenfu.
牛春明(1881-1961),滿族,北京人。 1902年牛春明拜澄甫公為師,由健侯師祖代子傳藝,賜名,鏡軒”。1912年,牛春明在中央公園襄助澄甫公授拳;1914年,在楊家武館任助教。健侯師祖不但將楊家太極之拳劍刀槍及內功心法傾囊相授,而且在晚年秘授點穴之術。1920年,牛春明南下寧、滬、杭, 1925年授拳於浙江蘭溪、永康一帶。1928年,澄甫公任杭州國術館教務長,牛春明前往襄助。抗日戰爭期間,牛春明避禍於鄉間。1946年重返杭州,在開元路37號設立牛春明太極拳社, 1960年,有關方面為牛春明拍攝太極功夫記錄片《萬年青》。
- Yang Cheng Fu Disciples
- taichichuan
- taiji
- lineage
- 楊澄甫,太極拳,推手
Yang Shouzhong
Yáng Shǒuzhōng
Yang, Sau Chung (1910-1985), was the eldest son of Grandmaster Yang Cheng Fu. He started learning his family style when he was 8 years old under the strict supervision of his father. At 14, he started to assist his father in teaching Tai chi chuan. By the age of 19, he was travelling throughout China with his father to assist in teaching Tai chi.
In truth, many people who have claimed to learned from Yang, Cheng Fu actually learned from Yang, Sau Chung. In 1949, he moved to Hong Kong, and he taught privately at his home until his death in 1985.
His dedication to Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan was as equally committed as his father, grandfather Yang Chien Hou, and his great grandfather Yang Lu Chan; and, as a result, he achieved one of the highest levels.
Yang Sau Chung passed on the family transmission to his First Disciple, Ip Tai Tak, (1958) and his three daughters, Amy - Tai Yee, Mary - Ma Lee and Agnes -- Yee-Li. He also accepted two other Disciples - Chu Gin Soon (1977) and Chu King Hung (1983).
Master Ip Tai Tak was taught the Yang Family's System (now it's called Snake System) and became Master Yang's practice partner for the next 28 years. Ip Tai Tak has two Disciples, John Ding and Bao Tak Fai (Robert Boyd)
- taiji
- Taijiquan
- taichichuan
- TaiChi
- Disciples
- 太極拳,太極,楊證甫
Fu Zhong Wen
Yang Cheng Fu’s disciple Fu Zhong Wen, performing the Yang Tai Chi 85 Form
- taiji
- Taijiquan
- taichichuan
- TaiChi
- FuZhongWen
- Disciples
- 楊證甫,膚中文,太極拳,推手
Chen Wei Ming vs Yang Cheng Fu posture comparison
Yang Cheng Fu’s disciples : Chen Wei Ming
A comparison of postures
- taiji
- Taijiquan
- taichichuan
- TaiChi
- Yang Cheng Fu
- Chen Wei Ming
- 太極拳,太極,楊證甫,推手
Yang Zhen Ji
Yang Cheng Fu’s Disciples: Yang Zhen Ji
(Yang Chen Fu's second son)
- taiji
- Taijiquan
- taichichuan
- TaiChi
- Yang Cheng Fu
- Yang Zhen Ji
- 太極拳,太極,楊證甫,
Wang Yongquan - Large Frame Yang Form
Yang Cheng Fu’s disciples: Wang Yongquan
- taiji
- Taijiquan
- taichichuan
- TaiChi
- Yang Cheng Fu
- Disciples
- wang yongquan
- 太極拳,太極,楊證甫
Wang Yongquan Photos
Yang Cheng Fu’s disciples: Wang Yongquan
Yang Style Taiji Grandmaster Wang Yongquan (1903 ~ 1987)
Student of Yang Jianhou, Yang Shaohou and Yang Chengfu
楊氏太極拳第四代宗師 / 汪永泉 (1903--1987)
- Yang Cheng Fu
- Disciples
- 太極拳
- 太極
- tai chi
- tai chi chuan
- 楊證甫
Cui Yi Shi
Yang Cheng Fu’s disciples: Chi Yi Shi
Master Cui Ishi (1890-1970) is disciple Laoshi Yang Chengfu and one of his four disciples who were real fighters...
"In the North — Cui, in the South-Fu "[Fu Zhongwen]
- taiji
- taichichuan
- TaiChi
- Yang Cheng Fu
- Disciples
- Cui Yi Shi
- 太極拳,太極,楊證甫
Cui Yi Shi Large Frame
Yang Cheng Fu’s disciples: Cui Yi Shi Large Frame
- taiji
- Taijiquan
- taichichuan
- TaiChi
- Yang Cheng Fu
- 大架太極拳, Cui yi Shi
- Large Frame
- 太極拳,太極,楊證甫,
Yang Zhenguo (杨振国)
Yang Zhenguo (杨振国), youngest son of Yang Chengfu (杨澄甫), demonstrating a shortened version of the Yang taiji form at his home in Handan, 2005.
- Yang Zhenguo
- tai chi
- yang family
Yang Zhenduo
A dissertation and demonstration of Yang Style Taijiquan 103 form by grandmaster Yang Zhenduo and master Yang Jun, part 1
If you want to see more, the other two parts can also be found on youtube.
- Yang Zhenduo
- tai chi
- yang family
Tian Zhaolin interview
Yang Cheng Fu Disciples: Tian Zhaolin
This interview was recorded by Tian Yingjia & Yao GuoQing
Translated by Key Sun, Ph.D, Edited by LeRoy Clark
Tian Yingjia is a son of Tian Zhaolin (1891-1960).
- taiji
- taichichuan
- TaiChi
- Taijiquan
- Yang Style Taijiquan
- YangChengFu
- Tian Zhaolin
- Disciples
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