Welcome to 5 Animal Qigong | White Tiger Trailers


The Dynamic 5 Animals Qigong created by the renowned Chinese Medicine Doctor Huo Tuo over 2000 years ago. There are many 5 Animal Qigong forms out there, but not all are the same. This is the first time this version has ever been released to the public.
Inside this one of a kind online course you will discover more than just Qigong.
In this You will discover the Sports Science behind Qigong.
You will get an entire course on fascia and it's relationship with 5 Animals Qigong, taught by world renowned anatomy teacher and expert, Chris Kummer.
Discover Ancient Chinese Medicine theory which includes:
The 5 Element Theory and its applications to the 5 Animals Qigong taught by Ancient Chinese Medicine doctor, Bryon McMahon.
Experience the powerful force of the tiger, the grace of the Deer, the playfulness of the monkey, the rooted grounding of the bear, and soar like the crane.
Experience White Tiger Qigong's Dynamic 5 Animal Flow Qigong for th...