The Center With Xing Yi, Tai Chi & Bagua


The Three major Internal Kung Fu arts- Tai Chi Chuan, Xing Yi Quan, and Baguazhang- all place major emphasis on manipulating their "root" or "center", and that of others. While many martial arts are aware of the center, and learn to use it- what separates Internal Kung Fu apart from other arts is the importance placed on internal body mechanics- instead of relying on external approaches to power.

Xing Yi places the most emphasis on condensing the center. While they often hit with blunt force, their intention is on concentrating their force into the smallest, sharpest impact to penetrate deep into the bones of their targets. To do so, they "condense" the center. This is not simple tension, however. Instead of clinching to "tighten up," Xing Yi relies on relaxing more and more and more until your weight crushes into the ground. Often called "crushing legs" for the feeling of extra weight that now drapes on the practitioner's legs.

By condensing the root, the bo...