Seated Tai Chi for Arthritis Video | Dr Paul Lam | Introduction


Enjoy Seated Tai Chi for Arthritis in the comfort of your home as Dr Lam guides you through each movement. You can purchase the entire program at Tai Chi Productions.

A Proven Program
In 1996, Dr Lam with a team of medical and Tai Chi experts created this safe and easy-to-learn program. Medical studies confirm Tai Chi for Arthritis relieves pain, reduces falls and improves quality of life.

This modified seated version of Tai Chi for Arthritis can be enjoyed by anyone. People with almost any chronic condition can learn to improve their health and mobility. Health Professionals and carers using this program with people with disabilities can share quality time with them while improving their own health. It is suitable for people who are either unable to walk or are required to be seated e.g. while in flight.

Dr Paul Lam, a family physician and Tai Chi expert, is a world leader in the field of Tai Chi for Health programs. His Tai Chi for Arthri...