Qigong & Acutouch for PTSD & Emotional Stress Part 1


Part 1 contains important background information for the practice.
Part 2 will be on the directions for how to perform this practice.

The intense emotions from shock and trauma get lodges in one's muscles. From the use of shaking qigong and well points one can help get this emotional load out of your muscles and out of your body.

When one is shocked or traumatized they are affected deeply and systemically. One of the outcomes of this is being blocked from connecting with one's spirit. This can keep a person from feeling joy and inspiration. This disconnection from one's spirit can cause a person to hunger for for the loss and this often drives people to drugs and other addictions.

Another possible outcome is the spirit getting blocked from it's home. This can make a person feel perpetually restless, unstable and ill at ease.

The last part of this exercise is after the shaking qigong and well points use. As a natural outcome...