"Immuni Qi" Qigong Routine for Lungs and Immune System - with Jeffrey Chand
Here is a full Qigong routine to help keep your immune system, lungs, respiratory system, and resilience strong!
This is a Qigong practice that can be used daily to keep your body and mind healthy and robust, and it is excellent to help prevent illness.
**Please follow your doctors and the experts advice for personalized health care. Please do not use this Qigong routine or the information presented as an alternative to recommended treatment or recommendations from your health team. **
This routine can work in conjunction with everything else that you are doing to keep the cold, flu, and germs away 🙂
Are you wanting to support your immune system and health through simple Qigong practices? I would love to help!
***Just added 🙂***
Here is a series that can help you stop, relax breathe, move your qi, and support your resilience with a very simple Qigong practice!
To join and follow the "Positivi Qi...