How to Detoxify your LYMPHATIC System,Clean your Body's Drains


How to Detoxify your LYMPHATIC System,Clean your Body's Drains.
If you are constantly sick or tired, your lymphatic system may have stopped working properly. Your lymphatic system, comprised of your lymph nodes, spleen, thymus and vessels that carry fluids that protect your body from disease, can become sluggish when you do not exercise, eat the wrong types of foods or endure a prolonged, serious illness. However, you can learn to detox your lymphatic system by adhering to a few simple, but highly beneficial, health-enhancing steps that benefit your lymphatic system and your overall health.

Step 1
Book a lymphatic massage from a licensed massage therapist. The massage therapist will use his thumbs, fingers and hands to massage the lymph nodes around your body, and numerous vessels that lie just underneath your skin that carry lymph, a colorless liquid that carries immune cells to protect you from illness.

Step 2
Avoid processed foods. Process...