How straight is the arm in Tai Chi? | 100 Days of Tai Chi | Learn Tai Chi at Home


Do you know how straight your arm should be in Tai Chi? Today's Tai Chi move is Deflect, Parry and Punch (yes, it's a repeat). AND - We're one-quarter done with 100 Days of Tai Chi! Well, I'm excited anyway - so as a special treat, in this video lesson I have a tip on how to improve your Tai Chi skills. It's called "Looks like straight, but not straight."

The last time I gave a "Tai Chi Skills Tip," it got such a good response that I decided to do this every Thursday - so be sure to watch Mondays for the weekly roundup of moves, and Thursdays for skills tips.

If you've got a question about Tai Chi - please add it to the comments below. I'll definitely answer it in the comments section - and I might be able to put it in the video lesson!

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