How Lee Holden was Introduced to Qi Gong by Mantak Chia


A while back, Lee filmed this 4-minute video sharing the story of how he was introduced to Qi Gong.

This is the beginning of the story:

It was 1988.

I was going to UC Berkeley studying psychology. I had been studying it for a year or two and I still hadn’t heard any information on how to make people feel better.

So, I cut class.

I remember the class distinctly. It was called, “The Psychology of Human Personality.”

But there was NO personality in the class! The professor read from the textbook every day.

Like almost any bored, early 20-something-year-old, I cut class and started wandering around Berkeley. I found myself in a bookstore called Shambhala books.

That’s where I found Mantak Chia’s books.

I opened them up and immediately saw actionable things I could do to help transform stress into vitality.

I bought the books, walked out of the sto...