Guigen Qigong Earth Element - Beijing - Simon Blow Qigong


Guigen Qigong Earth Element - Beijing. Videos from Qigong Master Simon Blow China Study Tours.

Guigen Qigong Section No 2. Earth Element relates to the Spleen (Yin) and Stomach (Yang). The Indian late summer and the climate of humidity correspond to the Earth Element, as does the colour golden yellow. Deep thinking and worry relate to the Spleen and anxiety relates to the Pancreas Simon Blow Qigong China Qigong Study Tour Sept 2011 practicing Guigen Qigong in the park in Beijing.

Guigen Qigong Section No 2. Earth Element. The spleen is located on the left side of the abdominal area and is the main organ of the digestive system in TCM. The functions of the pancreas and the mouth also relate to the spleen which, according to TCM, is where food and fluids enter the body. The stomach digests the food, sending solids and fluids down, while the essence of these nutrients is sent up to the spleen. The spleen transforms this essence a...