

Fan Through Back or Spread Arms Like a Fan as William CC Chen terms it is not double weighted if you think of the upper hand as "the Handle of the Whip" . When pulled forcefully one may need to take a step to neutralize some of the force. When my right arm is pulled, i follow with a step of my left foot ( avoiding double weighting) and i coil my right palm up my centerline (pinky finger leading ) . I do not follow him out of my " egg" which is discovered and defined through standing practice . i instead follow him to the edge of my "egg" and then i divert and drill upwards receiving my opponent's pulling force into my left foot tying up his strength. i then coil back pulling him into my Yin strike . The strike can be to the armpit ( heart 1 point ) or the ribs/flank . i can transform if my opponent tries to use the folding method and elbow strike by following his two joints . This example is relative to William CC Chen's 60 Movement F...