Eight Section Brocade Standing Qi Gong DVD Preview


This is a preview of of the instructional DVD: "Eight Section Brocade Standing Qi Gong"

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Detailed Instruction in Each of the Eight Exercises
and Two Follow Along Workouts

* Easy to Learn and Practice
* Reduce Tension and Stress
* Strengthen Internal Organs
* Maintain Joint Flexibility
* Promote the Flow of Qi

The Eight Section Brocade Qi Gong is a very old and extremely popular Qi Gong set. Qi Gong literally means exercises to work with the body's energy or Qi.

The name Eight Section Brocade contains a lot of meaning. Very simply is refers to the fact that this set contains 8 exercises. But it also refers to the preciousness of this set (as in a fine brocade of cloth) and to the intricate system of energy flow inside the body.
