Carry Tiger to Mountain | 100 Days of Tai Chi | Learn Tai Chi at Home


Do you know where you should be when you get to the end of Cross Hands? That's the Question of the Day - I answer it right after today's new Tai Chi movement "Carry Tiger to the Mountain.

Want to watch the video I made of the whole first section? Here's the link: Go now! ;-)

If you've got a question about Tai Chi - please add it to the comments below. I'll definitely answer it in the comments section - and I might be able to put it in the video lesson!

Want to come work with me? Sometimes all one needs is help getting started. Using the Principles of Tai Chi, I help men and women navigate daily life in the 21st century. You can book a free session at It's never too late to make a difference (look at me - I'm 60!) Any challenge can be overcome when we face it together!

Other programs at TaijiFit Academy begin with the FREE membership at See you soon!