八段锦 · Ba Duan Jin (8 Brocade Exercise) Qi Gong
Complete Routine of Shaolin Ba Duan Jin 八段锦 recorded at the WeekEnd-Retreat in February 2019 at the Shaolin Temple Europe 歐洲少林寺 located in Otterberg / Kaiserslautern in Germany.
Shaolin Ba Duan Jin can be translated as 8 Brocade (Valuable) Exercises. It is a short and easy to remember routine, suitable also for laypeople that don't have the possibility or capability to practice throughout the complete day.
It consists of 8 exercises aiming in the development of strong and flexible muscles and tendons:
Ba Duan Jin Posture Names:
1) Supporting the Heaven (Vertical Stretch)
2) Drawing the Arrow (Horizontal Stretch)
3) Separating Heaven and Earth (Diagonal Stretch)
4) Wise Owl Gazing Back (Torsional Stretch)
5) Big Bear Turns to Side (Leg-Torso Connection)
6) Bending backwards and touching toes (Front / Back Stretch)
7) Clenching the Fists (Mobilisation)
8) Cli...