Wang Pei Sheng 37 posture [2/2]


37 posture Wu form developed by master Wang Pei Sheng, a student of master Yang Yu Ting and Wang Mao Zhai

Wang MaoZhai Lineages

In 1953, he finished a great work, the Wu Style Thirty-Seven Posture Form. At that time, he was teaching at the Beijing Industrial College. Some faculty
and students complained to him that the traditional form took too long. At over 40 minutes, many of the busy college faculty and students often did not
have time to finish one repetition of the form. So Master Wang had the idea for a short form.

The first thing he did was to remove all the repetitive movements, so that trimmed down the form to just 37 postures. Then he edited and rearranged these
postures to create a new form. The logic he used was to put some of the simple and easy movements in the beginning of the form, with some complex and
difficult movements in the middle, and finally some quiet and relaxing movements in t...