The Surprising Benefits of Tai Chi (That Nobody Talks About)


There are so many ways to improve your tai chi and get more depth into this amazing art. It will save you a lot of time if you can set your compass in the right direction from early on.

Tai Chi (taiji) is translated literally as "Supreme Ultimate". That's a significant statement to make about anything. Tai Chi is not very well understood, even in China where millions of people practice it everyday. People know tai chi by it's cover, which is slow, soft, gentle, relaxing, which are all correct, but rarely do people see that tai chi is also powerful, fast, intense, physically demanding, and much much more.

Tai Chi bring everything back into balance. It unites hardness and softness, quickness and slowness, and stillness and motion. It increases awareness and improves focus. Tai Chi has kicks, punches, jumps, and many explosive movements, and of course it has soft and gentle movements as most people can observe.

The practice of tai chi facilitates th...