Taiji Ruler - Taiji Bang - Self Massage - Master G. Paterniti - 太极尺 太极棒 棒按摩


TAIJI RULER (tài jí chǐ) - 太极尺
The Taji ruler is a set of exercises originating in China that are practiced for health and general well-being. The exercises are a type of qigong or “energy work” that are gentle and nurturing in nature and can be practiced by persons of all ages and all levels of physical fitness. The Taiji ruler finds its way to modern practitioners via two sources. The first traces its origins to Taoist monks, while the second traces its origins to Chinese royalty.

TAIJI STICK (tài jí bàng) - 太极棒
In contrast with the ruler exercises, whose focus is general health and well-being, the primary purpose of stick training has historically been to strengthen and condition the arms and hands for martial application (joint locks). While the ruler is gently held between the palms, the stick is gripped forcefully and is used to apply leverage to the joints and connective tissues as the stick is twisted. Doing so strengthens the g...