TAI CHI RELAXATION: Tendon / Muscle Tension Check


Tendon / muscle tension check, 70-30 Forward Stance, abdomen, lower back, buttocks, behind knees, ankles, right side view - 7/31/14 (Summer)

In many ways, the Taoist Yang “cotton tai chi” story
complements the relaxation principles I learned from Ben Lo in the 1980s. Ben often repeated that one should only flex those muscles which are absolutely necessary for a specific posture or movement, and leave all the other muscles relaxed. No unnecessary flexing / tensing of muscles that are not directly related to the task at hand.

This is what I wrote in my notebook during one of Ben Lo’s summer tai chi camps:

[Ben Lo was showing his Ward-Off arm while standing in a 70/30 Forward Stance].

“Ben showed Ward-Off arm relaxed. Both bicep and forearm relaxed. Only upper part [deltoid] hard. That’s correct. Can’t lift arm without flexing that muscle. Also parts of back musc...