Learn Tai Chi Online with Jet Li's Online Academy - Lesson 2


Jet Li's Taiji Zen Online Academy teaches Tai Chi Chuan with a unique principles based approach. It is well-suited for beginners learning Tai Chi as well as more advanced students.

This video, taken from Taiji Zen's Online Academy, guides you through the key principle of 'Suspend from the Crown' or 'Xū Lǐng Dǐng Jìn'

'Xū Lǐng Dǐng Jìn'(虚领顶劲)means to maintain an upward floating intention, as if your entire body is being suspended by a string from the crown of the head. This intention should be continuously maintained in every movement.

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The first principle that you are going to learn in your study of your Tai Chi Chuan Essentials is called xū líng dǐng jìn, which means 'Suspending the Body from the Crown of the Head'.

This is the first step in relaxing structurally and it connects you, it connects the whole bod...