How Chinese Medicine Addresses Cancer


How Chinese Medicine Addresses Cancer By Sung, Yuk-ming PhD

1. How Chinese Medicine Understands Cancer
1.1 Cancer is no more than tumors that have been around for ages
1.2 Although cancer as a disease is difficult to treat, it is not untreatable .

2. Tumor Treatments with Chinese Medicine
2.1 Shrinking the tumor (Softening hardness and dissipating binds)
2.2 Fortifying the stomach
2.3 Qi-supplementing and Yin-nourishing
2.4 Addressing other concurrent symptoms

3. The Edge of Chinese Medicine in Treating Cancer
3.1 It can effectively eliminate nausea and vomiting that prohibit food intake.
3.2 It can address pain issues without side effects.
3.3 It can raise life quality by promoting sleeping or defecation issues.

Other Therapies
* It can shrink tumor directly
* It can address pain issues and boost immunity

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