Hepatic Abscess or Liver Abscess (Pyogenic, Hydatid, Amoebic abscess)


In this video we will be looking at hepatic abscesses or Liver abscesses. There are three types, pyogenic abscess, ameobic abscess (entameoba Histolytica) and finally you have the hydatid abscess.

Pyogenic is primarily bacterial abscess (e. coli, klebsiella, strep pnuemonia and some anerobes such as bacteroides).
Routes - infection can come through the portal vein that originates from the GIT tract. This may due to appendicitis, diverticulitis. The other route for pyogenic liver abscess is through the biliary tract. This is due to cholangitis as it ascends up through biliary tract. It can also spread through blood vessels or hematogenous spread. This happens any time there is bacteremia. Also it can be caused by trauma or it may be unknown called idiopathic or cryptic.

Infectious symptoms - fever, constitutional symptoms, nausea vomiting, and leukocytosis. These are the signs of pyogenic liver abscess or hepatic abscess.