HEALING MEDITATION Music "The Storm Has Passed" for PTSD Recovery - Overall Wellness


◢ We created another PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) music therapy track to give comfort and deep relaxation to those who are suffering from the disorder. We carefully embedded binaural beats that range from 0.20Hz to 10Hz, which are associated with the effects of the sleep state, the unconscious mind reaching out to gain better understanding and reflection, empathetic attainment, divine knowledge, inner being and personal growth, as well as trauma recovery, feeling blissful and being one with the universe. It is also a Spiritual Journey music accompaniment for those who seek the deeper essences of who we are. The binaural beat range also contains pain relief and sedative effects. As the carrier frequency of 136.1Hz resonates with the Earth, it will give you an overall sense of calming, centering, and is connected to the Heart chakra. May this music therapy track provide you with Love and Light.

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