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  • Daoyin Yangsheng Gong for "Stomach and spleen" №1 with Dr. Butrimov. Russian Daoyin Association

Daoyin Yangsheng Gong for "Stomach and spleen" №1 with Dr. Butrimov. Russian Daoyin Association


Сотрудничество с Пекинским Университетом - http://www.butrimov.ru/about/news/2014/cooperation.html

Qigong for recovery, treatment and rehabilitation digestive tract.
The complex is recommended for preventive maintenance of diseases of gastrointestinal tract, as well as people suffering from chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, having chronic problems of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, chronic diseases of the small and large intestine, hemorrhoids, spastic colitis.
Learn more about each exercise DVD digestive tract
http://www.butrimov.ru/training/video-on-dvd/ #Цигун_школа_Бутримова #Тайцзи_школа_Бутримова #Doktor_Butrimov #Доктор_Бутримов