CMC 37P TAI CHI FORM: Posture 37, detail


Cheng Man-ch'ing 37 Postures Tai Chi Form
Posture 37: Bend Bow & Shoot Tiger
Detail: level of fists
Front view - 3/2/14 (Winter)

In this video I am demonstrating different levels for the two fists at the end of "Bend Bow & Shoot Tiger," based on different photos of Prof. Cheng.

The highest level of the right fist - - near the right temple - - is visible in the photo of Prof. Cheng on page 187 of CHENG TZU'S THIRTEEN TREATISES ON T'AI CHI CH'UAN (and in Ben Lo's instructional videotape).

A lower level is visible in photo 117 of Prof. Cheng's book TAI CHI: THE "SUPREME ULTIMATE" EXERCISE. Here the right fist is approximately at nose level.

In the color Taiwan film & the 1955 black & white film (listed above): just below the nose.