BayerYogi's 15th Section Exercise | Tai Chi Stick - "Filling the Valley"


"Filling the Valley" Activates Important Energy Fields: "Filling the valley" supports the concentration on the anterior and/or lower Dantian in the navel area, on the Mingmen in the upper area of the lumbar spine and on the third eye between the eyebrows. Therefore this exercise is especially suitable for beginners. Advanced students can imagine these energy fields anytime and anywhere.
Starting Position and Preparation for "Filling the Valley: Starting position is the supine position. Feet are placed one after the other. The stick lies between the palms of the hands. Fingers are slightly spread. The stick belly lies on the lower belly. With imagination a connection to the stick belly and the lower Dantian is made. The lower dantian is located slightly below the navel. But you can also focus on the front Dantian, which is located directly in the navel area.
The Motion Sequence of the Exercise: While bending your elbows, your upper arms remain on the floor close to your body...