A Game of Qi Power - amazing energy practice of Qigong healing


14 weeks online course starts on February 8, 2020 Saturday: YI JIN JING – 14 Weeks of BodyMind Transformation https://robert-peng-qigong.teachable.com/p/yi-jin-jing

About Robert Peng: https://www.robertpeng.com

Free Download full version of audiobook(4.5 hrs) and 2 Qigong videos for a limited time:

Robert Peng is a qigong master trained by a legendary monk named Xiao Yao during the cultural revolution. As part of his training he did A 100 day water fast in a dark chamber in a remote mountain monastery. As part of that experience, Robert went through a profound spiritual transformation and developed extraordinary healing powers. The audiobook describing this journey can be downloaded for FREE for a limited time. https://www.robertpeng.com

A sample of video clips from Robert Peng's DVD series, The Master Key. Follow along as Robert guides you step-by-step through the exercises described in the ...