5 Animal Frolic | Tai Chi / Qi Gong


5 Animal Frolic Tai Chi Qi Gong Routine
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Regular practice of this Qi Gong is said to improve functioning of the Liver-Gall Bladder (Wood Element - tiger), Kidneys-Bladder (Water Element - deer), Spleen-Stomach (Earth Element - bear), Heart-Small Intestine (Fire Element - monkey) and Lung-Large Intestine (Metal Element - crane) respectively.

each one feet shoulder width apart
after each one, close the door , sink the qi (hands into heart)
inhale YIN exhale YANG

* start bottom with claw , loose fists, breathe in hands rise
* at shoulders, open palms, breathe out, up
* come down to center, breathe in
* open palms, push down breathe out
* coming bottom, stretch shoulders and neck look down

* sway back and ...